DSON Importer for Poser - Transfer Active Morph trouble

theaterictheateric Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Poser Discussion

I'm kinda new to this so please forgive any terms I get wrong.

I'm having a strange issue and have run out of ideas on troubleshooting it. I recently reinstalled my computer (Win 7 64-bit) and run Poser 2014 SR 5. Under the first Windows user profile I created on the system everything works fine however on the second (and all newly created profiles) the Transfer Active Morphs button doesn't do anything. Likewise if I add add clothing to a character it connects to them as the owner but the second script that fits the clothes to the character never runs. The log file for DSON doesn't give much in terms of clues. Under the profiles that don't work the log file stops with 'done' after the object has been imported where the profile where it does work continues on into a 'projecting' section. Running 'Transfer Active Morphs' doesn't create any entries or errors in the log file. Both profiles pull from the same content library on the E:.

So far I have tried:
Removing and readding DSON Importer
Upgrading DSON Importer from 1.1.3 to 1.2
Removing and reinstalling Poser
Giving all users full control of Program Files\Smith Micro and E:\Library folders
Creating a new Windows user in case just that profile was corrupt
Disabling Windows UAC (going to leave it off)
Giving all the profiles admin permission

I am pretty much out of ideas. My next step is to reinstall Windows and hope the problem doesn't follow.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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