Changing trees possible?
Posts: 313
Is it possible to cut branches off trees with Metaballs or is there another way. just an idea That would be great
What trees are we talking about, what product?
In Ultrascenery you have the option to change the proxies for trees to change them up, in some HowieFarks products you can manually change the mesh for another for example.
If you want to have the idea of cutting a tree, maybe export to a model program and change the mesh that way.
Carrara forum so Carrara generated trees
you could try using the curve editor in the taxonomy parameters for interesting results
I was interested in Carrara trees a few years ago. Some of my experiments with Carrara's plant editor can be found around this link.
Another of my experiments with creating a tomato plant can be found here.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you can convert a plant from the plant modeler to a vertex object. It will be in traingles so might be good to untriangulate. The trunk and two levels of branches have shading domains. That way you can edit the branches as you see fit and then use a surface replicator to spread your own leave/subbranches on the tree.
EDIT: The tree modeler has a check box to ee the 'full detail mesh.' When you convert from the plant modeler to a vertex model, it is best to enable 'full detail mesh' so that you get the subbranches. You can get the leaves or fruit that way as well.