Duf File to Load a Series of Textures?

I've been trying to make my own gens set with textures and shaders. But I don't know how to create a .duf file that would load all them at once, as, e.g., D, SSS, AO, R, NM. I tried following the patterns I saw in other gens files made by others. But, no luck. What are these saved as? Are these supposed to be pose files, preset files? How do you get them all loaded at the same time?


  • A Materials Preset will save all proeprties for all surfaces by default. A Hierarchical Materials Preset can save materials for a base item and all items parented to it, if yout want a single-application for figure and anatomical elements (and brows/lashes/bodyhair if appropriate).

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    @Richard Haseltine: Thanks very much.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    OK. Here's the thing: I have the various gens files, five of them. I can place them in the Runtime/Textures/ and so forth folder. But I do not know how to save them as a Materials Preset. If I go to the Surfaces Tab, I can access each, one at a time. I don't know how I would manage to get them all together and then save them as a Materials Preset. How could I do this?

  • Ah, you do have to apply them to the relevant properties in the shader for the materails on the model via the Editor tab of the Surfaces pane. Each property takes one map, but there are multiple properties so I am not sure what you mean about being able to apply only one.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    @Richard Haseltine: Well, I can apply them one at a time, using the Editor tab of the Surfaces Pane. But for characters that come with a set of gens textures, there is a file that comes with the character; you only have to click on the gens file, [which is stored in the Content/ character's folder] which will then load up, all at the same time, the entire set of gens textures [from the Runtime/Textures/ particular  character's folder]  (the D, SSS, etc.). That's what I'm saying I do not know how to do. How do I make a, let's call it a Load All Gens Textures at Once file? 

  • Once you hae all the maps applied save a Materails Preset or Hierarchical Materials Preset

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    @Richard Hastltine: OK. THANKS VERY MUCH.  I'm getting the hang of it now.

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