Products that do not work in 4.20

I am wondering why products that do not work in Daz Studio 4.20 are labeled in the store that they do.

It makes it difficult to know what is safe to buy as there is no way of knowing if an item will be update, and if it is updated how long it will be before it can be used in 4.20.

I have 3 versions of Daz Studio on my machine because I have to play round robin to see which one it works in. It's very frustrating to see and item listed as working in 4.20 that I know doesn't because I own it. 

This makes it difficult to know if new light sets or even HDRI sets work properly in 4.20 ; not to mention scene settings.

Some clarity would be very helpful and allow buyers to purchase with confidence that what they are purchasing is usable in 4.20.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Which products are not working? if you have separate installtaions there are factors other than version that may be playing a part.

  • I'll start with the one I just tried

    The Red Crow Inn in 4.20 and 4.20 beta it's black with a few light spots, not lighting, just spotty little dots.

    In 4.16 the lighting worked and it rendered as it should.

    The different versions I have installed are on separate drives, so I've been very careful not to let one corrupt the other.

    All assets are installed on the same drive in My Daz3D Library folder....Hope this information helps.


  • Silent WinterSilent Winter Posts: 3,767

    ^It's likely that those were using the old Iray trick of having an invisible emitter for the lights. Sadly, and much to many people's frustration, NVidia removed that loophole. There is a way to update the lights to work (I've heard varing degrees of success/complex in the forums), but I've only just got 4.20 myself so I need to look into how to do it.

    There's a script that helps with this:

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    There is a script to update that vendors products, which are affected by the change in the way Iray handles emissive surfaces thata re not fully opaque. There are also other workarounds for such cases, which may well be part of the reason that theya re not marked..

  • The script update is for the European Apartment and the House/Hallway. It doesn't state there is one for the Red Crow Inn. I checked the download site before posting here. Thanks, I'll see what I can manage.

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