Mesh Simplification in Daz Figures Removes Blendshapes Or Makes them Super Deformed Color?

I don't know if this just happens with Daz characters but even the mesh simplification tools that keep Blenshapes . When you dial the blendshapes the i dont know what to call it but the Skin/faces change to look so weird.
Why does this happen?
Here are some pics
First is DAZ character in a Mesh Simplification tool to 50% simpliciation, but without any of the blendshapes dialed to more than zero. Look great and would be so great in a game because it's simplified in number of polygons/vertices. However in my game it will always have the same face never change expressions or nothing.
Next picture is same, but i dialed a Face expresion morph/blendshape to more than zero. Look what strange thing happend!!!!

417 x 312 - 28K

485 x 312 - 31K
Post edited by nokoteb99 on
Maybe it is just a limit of what one can do with the simplified meshes.
Have you tried to create a new expression morph/blendshape directly on 50% simplified character?
Can you link to the exact mesh simplification program you are using? It looks like the tool is decimating the main mesh, but is not correctly simplifying the blendshapes. You need to remove the exact vertex indices in the blendshape as you do in the main mesh, in order for the morph to continue to work. This is what the Daz Decimator tool does, that's why blendshapes continue to work with it.
Daniel, i used Ultimate LOD and the author told me that yeah it's hard to work with blendshapes and they don't work, so yeah like you said i'm gonna try to simplify my models in DAZ with Decimator. THe only reason i didn't and started doing it in Unity with some simplificatio tools is because sometimes for some werid reasons when i decimate with decimator in daz, the mesh body gets holes in it's like a bug or something