Feathered Wings for All or Avija Wings?

Just like the title: trying to decide which set of feathered wings to get. The Feathered Wings for All look to have a little more fine detail, particularly along their edges, but they are a bit older so I don't know how well they will work with Gen 8.1 and beyond. I like the variety of shape and texture in the Avija wings, but can't find many examples of them, especially not under different lighting set-ups. Would love to hear opinions or see examples if anyone has used both (or even just one)!
I've got Feathered wings and have used them on my Genesis 8 figures no problem ,have a number of older fairy type wings I've used on all the Generations and Genesis 1-8 just scale ,position then parent them to the chest of the figures. I can do up examples if you need.
You would have to convert the textures to iRay though ...which the Avija wings already have ,I've got them wish listed for someday
Don't forget Morningstar!
I bought those this sale and really love them, they can be shaped easily and I love how natural they look.