Intergalactic Soldier Armor for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Males - Backdrop?

Can someone please tell me what stunning backdrop or sci-fi room or building this is in the photo image from the "Intergalactic Soldier Armor for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Males" product page?
Thank you.

3000 x 2500 - 1M
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Moved to Product Suggestions as it is not a Daz Studio topic.
Ooops, thanks Richard.
Search the store for "corridor". There are many. Here's two that are similar. Handrails and white stripes on the floor.
Thanks Seven193. Actually I did that and extensively. Corridor, sci-fi, space, ship, bay, module and even kit.
UGH! I found it. Lol
It's called, "Section 04" by Stonemason.
Thanks everyone. Mike