Help with promo character

edited June 2022 in Product Suggestions

I'm really impressed with the promo for the dForce Woodland Witch Outfit.  I know this is likely a custom character but can anyone help with the starting points? My guess is a mousso character but I can't put my finger on which.  Also, can anyone help with the hair? I've seen it used in other promos but haven't been able to find it.  Finally, if anyone knows which artist made the promo I'd be interested in viewing more of their work as well. Thank you!



Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Moved to Product Suggestions as it is not a Daz Studio topic.

  • QuixotryQuixotry Posts: 917

    Maybe it's Mousso's Echo with different fibermesh eyebrows? She's one of the supported shapes in the What's Included and Features. They look quite a lot alike to me, but the eyebrows definitely don't match.

  • Thank you Quixotry. That seems like the likeliest character to me as well.  I took another look through the hair catalogue today but didn't have any luck on that front. My guess is that it's an older product that the artist has cleverly updated with some new shaders, but that's just a guess.

  • JoeQuickJoeQuick Posts: 1,721
    It's Echo.
  • Thank you Joe!

  • larsmichaelmlarsmichaelm Posts: 1
    edited June 2022

    Was also curious about that promo pic and found your question.
    Yes, I agree that it's Echo (with some minor tweaks/faceblend?) and other eyebrows.

    And the hair is... for some reason not on the store anymore?
    When I bought it it was Artists: RareStone and Nirvana : "HD Fredda and Fredda Hair for Genesis 8 Female"

    If you search the shop for the below, that pose pack is for Fredda, and you can see the hair.
    Artist: Ensary
    "For a Lady Poses for Fredda"

    Post edited by larsmichaelm on
  • Thank you so much larsmichaelm! I had spent so much time looking for it in the store and was convinced it was some combination of multiple different hairs I couldn't piece together.

  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,275

    larsmichaelm said:

    And the hair is... for some reason not on the store anymore?
    When I bought it it was Artists: RareStone and Nirvana : "HD Fredda and Fredda Hair for Genesis 8 Female"

    The reason is that Rarestone has left DAZ. 

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