More detailed spaceships please!

I'd like to see some detailed mid sized spacecraft with detailed interiors and moving parts. Door, landing ramps, landing gear etc. Something that would accomodate a crew of four but isn't the length of a city block or so small you can't get a camera in it.
be careful what you ask for. The more detail you have, the more resources it will take and the harder it will be to render
Maybe this? It is currently on a heavy discount too.
Here's a few photos of things I found online to give an idea of what I'm looking for.
Here's a few photos of things I found online to give an idea of what I'm looking for.
I'd rather not kitbash anything and if it's on Daz or a number other 3d asset shops odds are I either already own it or have seen it and don't want it. And as far as my computers ability to keep up with high res detail trust's a beast! It can handle it.
Did you see the suggestion? It has an interior.
I am reasonably sure I haven't seen a ship according to your sketches with an interior on Daz. Maybe this one?
Are you talking about the one I linked above? According to the promos, if indeed does have an interior.
That does not sound right. The X 300 Chaser Starship promos clearly show interior, and it is also mentioned in the description.
Sorry I thought you meant the Star hauler. Yes I have the X 300. It's not really what I want either.
all fit together
The point of my post is I'm not looking for suggestions on existing products. I'm hoping someone who has an eye for sci fi detail and design will eventually make something close to what I need. I've tried buiding my own and the all look like flying garbage and not in a cool way.
There are 69 pages of science fiction spacecrafts on turbosquid
Been to turbosquid< share CG and....well all of them, acually. Hoping someone here can make something.
...besides the prices, a lot of stuff on Turbosquid and Share CG is in formats like .max (which is proprietary to 3DS Max). and .lwo which don't import into Daz without converting them in a modeller.
I used to design aircraft, spaceships, vehicles etc, by hand for stories and role play game scenarios that I would love recreate as 3D models, but alas my modelling skills have a way to go to create actual saleable or even freebie content. Bugs the heck out of me as I can easily visualise them.