feature request: defocus viewport when clicking params filter but miss

pixelquackpixelquack Posts: 288
edited June 2022 in Product Suggestions

When clicking the filter field in Params but only just missing by a pixel, then start typing the camera in the viewport moves as soon as you hit WASD. 

Would be nice if when you click in the area outside the text field the viewport still loses focus so it's not affected by keypresses. 


Post edited by pixelquack on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Do you actually use the WASD navigation? If not turn it off, shift K by default but you might want to turn that off too via Window>Workspace>Customise.

  • pixelquackpixelquack Posts: 288

    Of course, else I wouldn't be asking for it. Actually, you could kill two birds with one stone here if generally de-focussing the viewport would make keypressed go into whetever-else-is-focussed, see my other request about keyboard based library navigation. If whatever-shift-K does would be employed as soon as viewport is not focussed shift+K would not be need to keyboard-navigate the library.

    Which would save me enormous amounts of time.


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