Feet, Hands, and Overall Everything

(This is intended to suggest products, as well as bring attention to needed products. Content creators do excellent work for us, and as an avid Daz user, I show my appreciation in buying their work. I make this post because I would *love* to buy *more* if I could)
There's a ressurected posting recently about feet detail for females (and the "apparent" lack thereof), and it just gets me thinking again: What about the literal lack thereof for male shapes? This goes for feet, hands, and more and more. In order to achieve any detail, you have to mash together entire body HD sliders that end up contorting the model in order to get any detail on specific parts.
There just isn't any at all for G8M.
Yeah, yeah, I know I am bleating to the ether about this when the answer is simple and obvious: sex sells (and men do not). Well ... they sell to me, and I am sure there must be others out there. I modded female hand textures and feet textures for use on male characters due to having no other options. I use a female fingernail add-on, modded the textures, in order to give some variety to G8M fingernails. The time-sink to do this would be worth paying the cost of a professional Daz Marketplace addon.
Would love to have some HD shape packs for feet, hands, and whatever else for males, as well as some texture packs for those same parts as well.