Question about Lainey Hair (Edit: The solution presented itself)

I picked up OOT's Lainey Hair this morning during the Memorial Day sale. For some reason it doesn't seem to properly fit the head. On both the G3 and G8 characters, the base/skull cap is far too large, as if the hair is not autofitting. OOT's hairs come with plenty of adjustment sliders, but (1) it's not easy to get the right fit without making the hairline look weird and (2) I don't think that I would want to do all of that tweaking every time I tried this hair on a character. Is there an easy fix? 

EDIT: It figures, right after I make the post, I find the solution. I forgot that on some OOT hairs hitting the "Apply this first" shader is critical in hiding the hair cap. I believe Cailin Hair works the same way.

Oh well, maybe some future dummy like me will have the same problem and read this post. 

Lainey Hair.PNG
1576 x 938 - 1M
Apply first.PNG
272 x 287 - 63K
1549 x 1022 - 2M
Post edited by Blando Calrissian on
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