Glasses bundle glasses are always shades
Posts: 288
This package:
The "Lens - Clear" options all still cast notable shadows on the actor's faces. When I apply Iray Uber "Glass - Thin - Clear" it's good but the lens effect is gone of course.
Product issue or just my outdoors setup?
My glasses cast shadows too - glass does not transmit 100% of the visible light.
Have you tried any other glass shaders, "Glass - Thin - Clear" doesn't sound like one suitable for glasses.
Could I humbly suggest trying the 'flint bottle glass' uber settings in this freebie set:
The glass has a IOR of 1.51 but is otherwise clear. It will show at angles other than straight on. It's nothing special, just settings I played with that look right for clear glass. If you get too much reflection, drop the IOR a bit. Anything below 1.1 doesn't show up much at all.
See attachment. Of course the glass isn't all clear, but that's a lot of shadows.
As PerttiA says using one of the thin glass shaders, assuming the glasses have solid lens, will not give the correct result - it is effectively adding two layers as the thin versions are designed for cases where the glass is a single layer of polygons.
I'm still at the question "this is casting more of a shadow than I'd think it should". What surface params can I tweak here? (And I still think it should behave different to begin with, look at the promos)
I do think we must see your glasses lens settings. I tried a very quick render using some glasses with the default iray thin glass shader, an hdri, a little eye twinkle and got:
With the default Iray Thin Glass shader, yes. See above.
May we have a screenshot of the glasses Surface tab settings
Ok, here are the prop's "Lens" Surface settings.