Hardware Tests - CPU VS GPU VS RAM VS TWO GPUs



  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    The 760 is no longer supported by Iray. I don't know if it would run the Daz app or not. It might, but it may not display it correctly. The only benefit to using a 760 and a 3050 would be to have the 760 used a dedicated display card, and not have any displays connected to the 3050. Then the 3050 would only be used for Iray. This would allow the 3050 to keep as much of its VRAM available as possible, as now the 3050 is not burdened by driving the display.

    So it can help that way. But if the 760 is driving the display, you may have other issues because of how old and VRAM limited it is. If your PC is running through the 760, you are basically limited to what the 760 can handle. It could work, and it may be worth trying if VRAM is that much of a concern to you.

    Beyond that, if you have 2 cards that can render, then that is almost ALWAYS a good thing. Like two 3050s are going to be way faster than one, you nearly double render speeds, as you observed yourself in your test. Two 3050s will easily beat a single 3060 every time by a mile. And often times the best upgrade you can make is not replacing a GPU, no, the best upgrade you can make is ADDING a GPU to your system, and the dual 3050s versus 3060 prove that. It would not be worth swapping a 3050 for a 3060. Even going further up the stack is not really worth it this way. If you have a 3050, even a 3080 is not a big upgrade. You could buy a 3060ti and ADD it to your 3050 instead. Of course this all depends on you PC being able to handle the extra power and heat of running 2 cards. That is important to look at as well. But it goes back to my earlier point about trying to build a PC with expandability in mind. If you build smart from the start, you can have a PC that you can do these things with for years to come.

    I would not recommend mixing GTX and RTX cards for Iray. This can work, but in my own experience I had a lot more crashes when I was using a 1080ti and a 3090. The crashes did not decrease until I replaced the 1080ti with a 3060. I don't think they both need to be the same series, the issue here is that GTX does not have any ray tracing hardware, and has to take extra steps in Iray to run the OptiX it uses. I believe this can lead to instability when paired with a true RTX card.

    I know my 1080ti works fine. I just tested it out recently. If used by itself it does fine. When mixed with an RTX card Daz might crash when I hit the render button. Sometimes it doesn't, but it happens more frequently when using both.

  • The 760 should handle most of the DS actions, just not Iray - however, would a system with a 760 be able to run a driver new enough to enable Iray to use the 3050?

  • VitalBodiesVitalBodies Posts: 161

    Richard Haseltine & Outrider42, I think I will pass on adding the older card. I am happy with current card(s) for now yet it is nice to gain a greater understanding of how two cards get along. 
    Outrider42, I have been using the suggestions you made for rendering settings (denoiser, spectral etc) and I am making progress! Thanks it is making a difference. 

  • VitalBodiesVitalBodies Posts: 161

    Richard Haseltine, "The Driver" is a really interesting point. I have not explored loading multiple drivers is Windows or if it is even possible. 
    I mostly let Windows do it's thing. 
    I have updated to Win 11. 
    Have you? If so, have you noticed anything DazStudio (or otherwise) worth commenting on? 
    I have had no issues so far. 
    I still TURN OFF NETWORKING to keep it from rebooting for updates during rendering as I did in 10. And I never choose "automatically connect" for networking/WiFi, for the same reason. They say Win "workstation" allows you to set settings to not reboot automatically. 

  • I am still on Windows 10

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