Some (posing?) morphs distortions in UE

Hi everyone!
I'm getting the strange character distortions using posing morphs on imported character in UE. You can see the distored left leg on the attached image, in this case the 'Knees Up Left' with 0.55 value is applied. The second one is the 'Waist Bend' - makes upper body smaller... Is there any cure for this issue? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong it terms of export/import settings?
Software versions: UE 4.25, DazToUnreal Plugin 4.2.0, Daz Studio 4.20

Screenshot 2022-05-22 223449.png
592 x 852 - 455K

Screenshot 2022-05-22 223844.png
384 x 688 - 245K
you can't export a "pose" morph or it not gonna work as you want, when you try to export a "pose" it will only gona work when applied the 100%, any value between 0 and 1 will see as a "distortion not a moviment, when you use the morph in daz it's a mixing between "moviment with the internal pupet and some morphs to fix the body part while moving, something like when you are moving the character leg with the morph is like you are using a "pupet stuff to move the leg then during the process the morph try to apply some corrections to the leg, but when you export it to unrel it only go the "corrections the "moviment" is lost and only the "final pose" correction is saved this is why it's happening.
Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation! I'm a newby to both DAZ and UE. Does this mean I should use animation to achive same goals as if I where animating posing morphs values?
yeah you must animate in daz the action to export it as a animation to unreal otherwhise it not gonna work, otherway is animate direct in unreal if you are using unreal 5 which allow animate on it too.
Ellessarr Thank you!