Method for "Enable Iray Matte"
Is there a method for enabling/disabling the "Enable Iray Matte" node parameter? That parameter is made visible via the built-in script titled "Create Advanced Iray Node Properties.dse". I don't see any methods for it (or "Iray Handle") under DzNode in the documentation center. Thanks!
It's just a specifically named property, as far as I know, so the script will be using the methods to add new properties in general.
See for methods for working with user prorepties - where oProperty.isUserProperty() == true - which, as here, may or may not exist on the node. Only properties thata re sure to exist on the node (of a given type) get special functions to acess them 9and, of course, those would not require creation).
Sweet, thanks.
I was able to grab it with: