Hotel Room by POLISH

Sorry if this has been asked before , but can anyone help me identify the CHARACTER, HAIR and OUTFIT used in the promo pictures for
Thanks Geordie
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Sorry if this has been asked before , but can anyone help me identify the CHARACTER, HAIR and OUTFIT used in the promo pictures for
Thanks Geordie
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I'm curious why you're interested in identifying the character, since she's barely visible and doesn't have any particularly distinct features. It could easily be a darker skin on default G2/G3F.
I'm curious because I have seen her somewhere before, I think, and although you are right there is not much to identify her with, I like the overall look of the character.
Has the general 'first glance' look of Victoria 7 to me ( and the product sale numbers have V7 before the Hotel Room meaning that V7 was probably around for long enough to be available for the promo images.
Thanks Richard, That helps a lot, As I was wondering if it was the generic VICTORIA 7, obviously you see the same, so might be a good place to start :)
My guess
Character don't know, Eva 7 / Victoria 7 can fit well this female beauty type.
Hey LiveInBeauty, I think you hit the spot on that one, EVA 7 looks perfects :)