Hotel Room by POLISH

Sorry if this has been asked before , but can anyone help me identify the CHARACTER, HAIR and OUTFIT used in the promo pictures for

Thanks Geordie


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    I'm curious why you're interested in identifying the character, since she's barely visible and doesn't have any particularly distinct features. It could easily be a darker skin on default G2/G3F.

  • geordiesharpgeordiesharp Posts: 171

    I'm curious because I have seen her somewhere before, I think, and although you are right there is not much to identify her with, I like the overall look of the character.

  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,951

    Has the general 'first glance' look of Victoria 7 to me ( and the product sale numbers have V7 before the Hotel Room meaning that V7 was probably around for long enough to be available for the promo images.



  • geordiesharpgeordiesharp Posts: 171
    edited May 2022

    Thanks Richard, That helps a lot, As I was wondering if it was the generic VICTORIA 7, obviously you see the same, so might be a good place to start :)


    Post edited by geordiesharp on
  • My guess



    Character don't know, Eva 7 / Victoria 7 can fit well this female beauty type.

  • geordiesharpgeordiesharp Posts: 171

    Hey LiveInBeauty, I think you hit the spot on that one, EVA 7 looks perfects :)


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