Daz Install Manager Crashing
Posts: 29
Good day,
Whenever I go to install something it will download fine, but then if I try to process it (install it) DIM freezes up.
I will admit I have a large runtime already, DIM is reporting 8427 items Installed. Is there a product limit?
I've tried uninstalling it, but can not find where the DIM Temp/User Settings are stored? Can someone point me to those?
Do you, the collective, suggest a fresh install? If so, what are the current steps for that?
Oh, I did try DAZ central and it too froze up on me.
Post edited by Depa3D on
Correction, it did install an update. This time. After several minutes of leaving it alone. Here is the error from DIM's log:
2022-05-09 20:46:18.861 Installing: 60497-1 : Cassius HD for Daz Dog 8
2022-05-09 20:51:18.965 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(37): db delete error: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
CONTEXT: SQL statement "UPDATE ONLY "dzcontent"."content" SET "description_id" = NULL WHERE $1 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) "description_id""
2022-05-09 20:51:38.616 Install Successful: Cassius HD for Daz Dog 8
2022-05-09 20:51:38.673 Install Queue Finished: 5 min 19.8 sec