Daz Install Manager Crashing

Depa3DDepa3D Posts: 29

Good day,

Whenever I go to install something it will download fine, but then if I try to process it (install it) DIM freezes up.

I will admit I have a large runtime already, DIM is reporting 8427 items Installed. Is there a product limit?

I've tried uninstalling it, but can not find where the DIM Temp/User Settings are stored? Can someone point me to those? 

Do you, the collective, suggest a fresh install? If so, what are the current steps for that?

Oh, I did try DAZ central and it too froze up on me.




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  • Depa3DDepa3D Posts: 29

    Correction, it did install an update. This time. After several minutes of leaving it alone.  Here is the error from DIM's log:


    2022-05-09 20:46:18.861 Installing: 60497-1 : Cassius HD for Daz Dog 8
    2022-05-09 20:51:18.965 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(37): db delete error: ERROR:  canceling statement due to statement timeout
    CONTEXT:  SQL statement "UPDATE ONLY "dzcontent"."content" SET "description_id" = NULL WHERE $1 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) "description_id""

    2022-05-09 20:51:38.616 Install Successful: Cassius HD for Daz Dog 8
    2022-05-09 20:51:38.673 Install Queue Finished: 5 min 19.8 sec




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