Splitting a content library

Hey everyone,

So I've decided to try and get a handle on my ever expanding DAZ Library. It's starting to outgrow it's hard drive, and I want to split the characters off into their own seperate runtime.  Everything else is good to stay where it is.  The thing is, when I started DAZ a few years back, I had no idea what I was doing or how to plan ahead to future proof my libraries. Now that ignorance has well and truly caught up with me!

So, I have many, many, many characters that I have bought here on DAZ, at Rendo, and a few other sites. I'd like to split the characters off into their own hard drive, but I can see no easy way of seperating them out from the environments, props etc. A lot of the file structure has cross overs - like the 'data' and 'runtime' folders etc. 

I am happy to delete every character I have and re-install the ones I want to use, as I have so many installed it takes around 4 mins to load a basic G8M and another 2 mins for a pose to apply. I didn't realise that every time you add a character all their morphs have to load every time you load ANY figure.

So basically, I want to protect everything that isn't a character on the original hard drive and delete the figures.  I can handle the setting up of the new library which is just for the characters I want to use going forward.

I'm pretty poor at explaining things (if you hadn't guessed already) but is there an easy way to do this?

Thanks in advance. I know this is not one for the feint of heart but I really hope there's an easier way to achieve what I'm looking to do.


  • TATSU 3DTATSU 3D Posts: 224

    Should have added (in case it helps), I'm on Windows 10 (latest version) running DAZ Studio 4.20.  I've only ever installed via DIM or manually for products from other sites.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,721

    It really depends, how did you install and what method do you use to access content (content library, connect, or smart content). Characters files shouldn't be included with any environemnt or other types of files. they install into their own folders.

    You might just try this product to speed up loading times https://www.daz3d.com/turbo-loader-for-genesis-8-and-81


  • TATSU 3DTATSU 3D Posts: 224

    Like I said, I only ever install stuff bought on DAZ with DIM, and other sites manually.

    It just appears to be data files that overlap in the general 'data' folder, however understand I'm no tech wizard! :P

    I've had a quick look at the product you suggested, and whilst it won't help with the space on the drive it may well be the answer to super slow loading times and posing, so thank you for the recommendation - I can't believe I have't seen it before!

  • ShelLuserShelLuser Posts: 749

    This is probably not gonna help (?) but why focus on characters in the first place? Why not focus on things which will be easier to relocate?

    For example...  did you also dump 3rd party stuff into your Daz library? I'd start there, if you have the original archives you should be able to determine their contents / origin and thus get them out of the way. Stuff like that...

  • TATSU 3DTATSU 3D Posts: 224

    ShelLuser said:

    This is probably not gonna help (?) but why focus on characters in the first place? Why not focus on things which will be easier to relocate?

    For example...  did you also dump 3rd party stuff into your Daz library? I'd start there, if you have the original archives you should be able to determine their contents / origin and thus get them out of the way. Stuff like that...


    That's a fair point. I think I was so focussed on characters as they were the things I use the most, and were causing the most issues. Also, it just seems logical to me to have the most important(?) assets on their own drive. At least in my head :P

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