JCMs for multiple Joints Transformers

Has this ever been done? Does it work, and if so how to overview the resulting chaos?

I am considering to create a JCM system, that is controlled by a combination of  a side-side and bend bend Transformer.

The JCM shall be active at  _Thigh bend_ and _Thigh side-side_ , but not at _Thigh bend_ or _Thigh side-side_ alone.

My idea is, to have a seperate _Thigh bend_ JCM, that works as a controler for the _Thigh side-side_ JCM, so that the _Thigh side-side_ JCM is only activated, when the Thigh is bended.
Will that work?
How to create a master controler for all this?
How to roll all this back, in case it fails?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,341

    You may want to multiply one of the links - that way if the oen that is multiplying is zero the result will be zero, and if the one that is doing the usual add is zero the result will also be zero (0 * n = 0 for all n).

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