Product question (breast utilities)

I have just bought this product : and it all works as advertized, but when I use it the shell deletes the texture from the anatomical element and I don't know how to get the texture back. The (golden shower) AE also uses a shell to generate the genmap texture, but it's seems in conflict with the shell from the Breast Utilities product. So the AE is now untextured white and obviously I don't want that.
Is there a way to get the genmap visible again while also using the Breast Utilities product?
Breast Utilities 2 uses a geoshell, as does Golden Palace (which I'm guessing is what you meant). Select a geoshell, go into the shell tab in the properties pane and deactivate any overlapping surfaces.
Okay I will try that, thank you.
Edit: It worked! Thanks again :)
Whenever you use a geoshell, like stockings or a bodysuit with any of the 3rd party gens products that use a geoshell, you have to select the stockings geoshell and then go to the surfaces tab and you will see the material zones with the gens product in the list. Just lower their opacity to make them invisible and you should be good.
Thanks for the tip, didn't think of that :)
Had the same problem with Physics HR Breasts conflicting with Golden "Shower" =D (Palace) - happily got it fixed with your suggestion. Would have had no idea how to fix otherwise, so this was a life saver. THANKS!