opacity layer cloth shader to add hole for tiling textures.

Hi there are already many good cloth shaders for tiling texture
(Fabricator, superman suit shader, sheer-greatness etc,,,)
but I sometimes hope to add hole with keep base tiling texture.:roll:
(do not ask me, why you need hole etc please,,:shut:)
Then If shaders use tiling texture for net, I think there is no other layer for opacity,
which can input texture with different tiling cordinate.(usually it need to belong to UVmap for clothing, not tilling)
Though I could make simple shader by shader mixer,
which add new non color texture for hole part, with individual tiling cordinate.
then mulitple color with base tiled opaciity map.
(and as option, add "third oapcity layer" for detail around hole edge ,
, add modified edge texture to displacement hole edge part etc)
But I hope product shader which have multi (or triple ) opacity layer as same as other map layer,
with many vendor professional textures and preset , to easy apply :)
maybe,, if there is layer for hole edge displacement (bump) too, it seems better.:)