Wrecked/Destroyed Vehicles

I'm thinking about doing several renders set in the near-aftermath of some sort of apocalypse, and there's a lot of great environments to choose from for something like that (Stonemason's City Ruins series, among others). But one thing I'm noticing that seems to be almost totally lacking are wrecked vehicles to fill up some of these city and town streets. Stonemason did one ( http://www.daz3d.com/city-ruins-vehicles ), but after you've used it once you can't exactly use it again--especially elsewhere in the same scene.
So how about some cars that've gotten into accidents and not been hauled away yet (or ever)? Maybe a couple that've hit each other, or one that's run into a telephone pole, or been flipped onto its roof by looters (or celebrating sports fans), or maybe even been shot by a tank or some sort of alien weapon?
While you're waiting for someone to come up with the exact thing you need, you might want to take a look at:
Burnt and Busted Caiman
Burnt and Busted
Dumped for Sports Car Meteor
which might possibly be useful to you.