M4 Morphing Cowl
Can I have a Morphing Cowl for M4 the same as the one for V4 in the V4 Bodysuit Expansion set?
I Looove the V4 one but it won't go on M4.
(How can I have Batwoman without Batman? )
I have tried butchering my own but i am really not yet that good.
yeap this is a great idea and I never understood, why there is no morphing cowl or gloves for m4 bodysuit included
I have made a little progress, I altered the mesh to fit M4 and imported it but now i have another problem: to make it work I need to use the transfer utility to make it copy M4's properties, but M4 does not appear in the Transfer Utility. i cannot find any info on using it wither papart from a brief mention in one of the vids.
Am I doing something wrong? Why is M4 blocked to the Trans Util ?
If you help me get it to work I'll (try to) post you the model.
Transfer Utility only works for weight mapped figures (ie Genesis figure).
Well, you actually answered my question in another topic, but thanks - it applies equally here too !
Now all I need to do is use V4 for Genesis (for example) and all will be great.
Thanks again !
This sort of thing should be in the online instructions.