G8F morph to G8M- where can I find 'Projection Options'?
LoreMistress Izaria
Posts: 145
I am trying to transfer a morph (Bebe High head morph) from G8f to G8M. I am following Sickleyield's tutorial at:
When I get to the part to fix the eye distortion, I can't find the 'Projection Options'. I tried Google but all I see is product recommendations...
Can someone point me to where I need to modify this setting?
G8F to G8M morph.jpg
1920 x 1080 - 296K
It is in the options when you do the original transfer.
I can't believe I missed that... several times. For some reason, my brain processed the slider bar as a section divider for the menues.
Thanks for pointing it out to me. Good thing it wasn't a snake. :)