Preview mode Iray progression bar goes in loop

...and the preview window materials remain white. Once the bar has gone through its full course, it starts loading all over again. Dos it mean thatn the Vram is full and I have to restart DS?

Post edited by second_technician_rimmer_9571136c47 on


  • ArgleSWArgleSW Posts: 141

    I posted something similar to this. When I get into this state, the only solution is to relaunch Daz Studio. If I run the iray preview immediately after the scene loads without making any changes, the iray preview works fine. If I make a few changes such as moving a prop, eventually it will get into the looping state as you described (even though I did not add anything new to the scene that should impact vram).

    I also get this with rendering a scene. If I render a scene after it loads without making any changes, I can render without any issues. If I move a chair 2 feet to the side and move the camera an inch and then try to render, it renders a black screen. The workaround is essentially make all my changes, save, reload Daz Studio and render without making any edits.

  • So it isn't just me, thank you for letting me know... I really wish there would be a way around this >_< 

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