I have some problems and I hope I can get help

1. The skin turned black when i daz to unreal
2.the glasses is not attach my character
How can I solve these problems

I can't find Tutorials about how to fix the problems 。
I wish I could get help

942 x 907 - 62K

919 x 784 - 26K

746 x 541 - 18K
For the glasses, create a head socket in the skeleton of your character. Then add the glasses as a static mesh component in your character blueprint and parent it to the socket. May require adjusting the position of the glasses.
Not sure exactly what's going on with the skin texture, I would suggest taking a look at the material for the body since it works and compare it to the legs/arms materials and see what's different. They should all be using the same parent material and have diffuse/normal/roughness/etc maps plugged into the output.
It looks like the wrong texture map was plugged into the arms.
The color of skin in unreal is correct.
If you want daz to show the same color, you should follow the picture below.
And if you want change the color of skin, you can change the texture.