Is it me or is there no new 1950s Products? (In a while)

So I did a story based in 1950 and there was very little content to work with. I figured the 50s would have gotten the same treatment as demons, zombies and fairies...and elves...
and vikings.....and hallways....but no.
Sadly, there isn't a whole bunch of stuff.
I mean, I think there are like 2 1950 vehicles, which is a flip of each other.
Moonshine Diner, Moonshine, well a lot of Moonshine stuff and maybe a gas station.
Not much else.
A few sock hop outfits...
I didn't expect the 50s to be so light. Very little male clothing.
I'm surprised no one wanted to flip a fully working hotrod....a bunch with various paintjobs...
No 50s Police car (and I mean a modern version)
I have a suspicion there have been no new 1950's products since 1 Jan 1960. Sorry, couldn't resist that.
I think you're right. It's been more aimed at the fantasy or sci-fi look to my eyes. There is a sort of 1990-2022 generic look too, but nothing noticably 1950's that I can remember. The little burst of hippie stuff as Gen8.1 came out is almost the last non-contemporary, non sci-fi/fantasy that stuck in my mind. There was probably other stuff, but I really can't remember it.
As for clothes and hairstyles, not much mid-20th century stuff since the Genesis & Genesis 2 periods. Pre-Iray, Pre-dForce. More items in the store for the 1920s than the 1950s.
I would be shocked if 1950s content sells even 1% as well as scifi, contemporary, or fantasy content.
I mean, I love 1950s stuff, but...
Following that mindset... If they started selling the naughty stuff, the sales would skyrocket
Since we know they wouldn't do that, why not give the opposite to the users that would like to tell stories placed in the 'good old times'.
What, all four of them?
I have some of the older stuff and never found a use for it, so I highly doubt I would purchase any newer 50's items.. I wonder how many users decide what to render as part of a story they want to tell or by looking at what assets they have available to them,assuming they don't model anything themselves..
As for me, at least 90% of what I do is non-narrative--there ain't no story. It's single renders or maybe five or six renders with the same subject from different camera angles or changes in pose (assuming there's a human figure or figures). So it's more "visual subject" rather than "story".
The process for me is (1) conceiving of what I want to do in terms of subject and style, (2) determining what assets are needed (and buying something, if necessary), and (3) technical execution. Beyond testing a product to make sure it renders properly under different lighting conditions, I never really just render something simply because the item is in the library. I might be the exception, not the rule. I'm sure some Daz user somewhere acquired Henrietta Heart Hen as a freebie and said to themselves, "It's there, so I'd better use it," and the end result is a 400-render graphic-sex graphic novel featuring a cartoon chicken.
Well, the Pin up idea still powers Daz (mostly). What percentage of female pose sets are 1950s-era pin up poses?
How many FEMALE outfits and haircuts are from the 50s? Plenty.
If you primarily use female characters, you would never notice the disparity.
I mean, sheesh - even spacesuits and combat armor have female variations with no male counterpart.
And I don't know if "because sales" is still a worthy trump card to throw at why certain things don't appear in the Daz Store.
There are a ton of vendors that are clearly NOT driven by sales and make products because they want to.
Not everyone is here to make a living off the Daz Store "What's Hot" list.
The 1950s still seem popular for the ladies. The men, not so much.
dunno, seems to be plenty of biker jackets, jeans, the earlier suits still work, maybe a bowling shirt or baseball uniform would not go amiss
depends entirely which country you are talking about, British 50's is different to American for example