Update Feathered Wings for All

I have the more recent Avija Wings, but my computer can't seem to render it in any sort of timely manner.
Feathered Wings for All is a bit older, but still looks good and can be rendered much more easily, but it only fits up to G3. I'd like to see it updated (or something similar) for G8, if possible.
There's these: Female https://www.daz3d.com/morning-star-wings-for-genesis-3-and-8-female-s and Male https://www.daz3d.com/morning-star-wings-for-genesis-3-and-genesis-8-male-s. Or these: https://www.daz3d.com/seraphim-wings-for-genesis-8-female. Or these: https://www.daz3d.com/arkis-wings
Or, so you don't have to buy anything instead of fitting the Feathered Wings for all, load them into your scene without the figure selected and then parent them to the figure's upper chest bone.
I have all of those. Arkis doesn't have the bird-style wing I want. For Seraphim, the way the feathers separate when the wings are spread looks odd and not right to me. Morning Star is alright, but the shape of the top of the wing (the curved "arm") is a bit off from what I'm looking for, and it doesn't fold the way I'm looking for.
I'll try the parenting thing, though.