Eon Vue

Is anyone using vue with Daz studio for their compositions? Any tips on the best pipeline?


  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,311

    Haven't used Vue (in my case Vue Infinite  2016) for quite a while now. Using Vue as the renderer? or Vue models into DS?

    I mostly exported models from DS as .obj files (incl. textures). After import, it is usually necessary to modify/adjust the material settings in Vue. I don't recall exactly, but exporting from DS as .DAE files didn't work well with Vue.

    For the reverse (and depending on the models), I did prefer exporting from Vue as .DAE for import in DS.

  • MouserMouser Posts: 675

    Just got an email from Bentley who currently own Vue 2024 which is now for free download.

    Plantfactary is free download as well.

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