Meaning of this line in the log file?

I am having serious crash issues. Tech support is helping but haven't found the problem nor a solution, yet.

The problem is most prominent when while using the Post Denoiser, but I also expericene frequent crashes when I don't use the denoiser.

In the log file several lines like this occur shortly before the computer crashes:

"2022-04-10 13:17:55.538 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(367): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.11  IRAY   rend error: CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti): unknown error (while de-allocating memory)"

What does it mean? Is it when the graphics card try to use the CPU fallback option (which doesn't work wtih the post denoiser)? If so, what triggers the CPU fallback option? 

I am using a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti graphics card with 11GB VRAM. The chrashes occurs even while rendering simple scenes.


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