Saturation Manager? (like Brightness Manager but for Sat)

Hi Zev0/bitwelder if you read this, I'd be much interested in a Saturation Manager that works like BM but, well, for Saturation. Often enough I have nature sets with close-to-cartoon sat levels but when I tune done overall saturation levels in Render Settings everything else pales down of course.
I think this product does that:
I don't have it yet so I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like it.
Could be indeed, thanks.
Yes, Xtreme Reshade can change saturation and much much more. It is a shader, so you apply it to selected surfaces. That gives you a lot of control. If tree leaves and trunk are separate surfaces, you could lower the saturation of the leaves and leave the trunk unchanged, for example. It is designed for Iray Uber shaded surfaces.