Anyway to throttle Daz Install Manager (DIM) bandwidth?
Does anyone know the ports or a method to throttle DIM? I can't have it take up all my bandwidth when I am downloading content. If I know the ports I should be able to enter that into QOS on my router to limit how much it can use. Of course if someone else has a good suggestion I would appreciate it.
I have suggested to Daz several times to put in a bandwidth control on DIM, but apparently no one sees value in that. :(
well. if you're on a Windows system, perhaps Microsoft's TCPVIEW tool would show you what ports it uses...
Yes very true, however often the ports by software is a range not just a few selected ports, changing every time you use the software. So I thought I would ask first in case others had run into this problem and had another solution (or knew the ports that worked).
Anyway looks like the only way is to find out myself. Odd no one else has run into this issue. Thanks.
There are 3rd party programs , such as Netlimiter, that will manage individual application bandwidth.. might be worth looking along those lines.
For some reason I never got a notification of your response sorry about that. I also see I never posted my solution. What I ended up doing was using the firefox extension "download them all" which allows to adjust download speed. Then I take the downloaded file and put it in the DIM downloads folder. Then I use DIM to install. Works :)