Unreal engine 5 Official Release

hello guys, finally unreal engine 5 is officially being released today
be ready cuz with the new unreal and the upcome unity the 3d world gonna get a huge upgrade in quality and work be for game, be for animation, movies or archiev or image renderings.
Now its just a matter of waiting a few months to have daztounreal plugin working in final 5.0...
Or maybe years.
if you use davids(pluging creator)
you can have fast updates
yes i use it doesnt work for unreal 5 official release
hmm well it was just released then he really need sometime to update it, i can't say too much since i'm unable to use unreal 5 for now, my video card is having some issues when "forced too much" and unreal force it a lot, like crashing it, then only after i'm able to buy a new video card(which gonna take really a lot of time since here the video cards are really expensive and i'm a lot broken) i can't test it.
Well it seems David already launched a new version of the plugin! It says "Another quick 5.0 fix"
Not sure if its a fix to work with 5.0 but as soon as I get home after work I will test it :)
Hello , why the latest DazToUnreal.zip file witch I downloaded from “https://github.com/David-Vodhanel/DazToRuntime”is empty?
Yeah, release v4.2.0.59 is only 22 bytes big, and empty zip file..
v4.2.0.60 released
Does anyone know if v4.2.0.60 already works with Unreal engine 5.0?
it works.
I can also confirm that works with UE 5.0! :D
Some other plugins are also available for UE5 now, so I will try to switch my two main project over from 4.27 to UE5 today - I was using UE5 exclusively for Metasounds so far (which is awesome in case anybody is wondering about that). Would be nice to get some HD space back when I can work in one single UE version again for everything hehe.
Just found out that there seems to be no simple alternative for surface trails (such as footsteps in snow) in UE5 to the tesselation often used for it in UE4. Virtual height maps and Parallax occlusion mapping have been suggested to me, but both seem to have some problems. So if your project uses surface trails, look into how to do it in UE5 before switching the project to it.
If someone has some suggestions, please let me know.
New versions have came out but with the new skeleton meshes of unreal engine 5 I cannot retarget since daztounreal doesnt provide an IK rig...
Its impossible to substitute the thirdperson template manequim (male or female) with the one from Daz... did anyone found a tutorial to manually create an IK rig in order to be able to use daz caracters in Unreal engine 5 templates?
you can find on youtube a lot of tutorials about the new retarget ik, they gonna work on daz characters aswell, the new system is a little more troublesome to setup in one aspect but more simple in another since now don't matter "pose" anymore all you have to do is setup the bones and ik and retarget is more manuall work but less step.
At last the pluging add a new rig for daz.
So is Unreal another" nVidiaGPU only" application or can it be run on Mac?
I've been super exited and since I got a new PC now, I've installed UE 5.01.
To bad, I can't make use of all those free megascans, because Quixel Bridge is not working at all.
How disappointing.
It works now. I don't know why. After I tried to uninstall everything in anger, I found out UE was still there. When opening it again everything worked.
SOLVED ... sort of...
AFAIK it can be and Linux too, certainly not Nvidia only either can use any GPU and CPU but some things like pathtracing need a better GPU than I have
Tks a lot Wendy! Just now about to get a Mac Pro with all the bells and whistles...will be interesting:))
To have the easiest time you may still want to use Windows (probably wroth it) and and an Nvida GPU (not totally required).
Linux and Mac have more issues than Windows with UE4/5. and UE5 has more features with an Nvidia GPU.
Tks @norvum, I'm getting a new machine for CPU rendering exclusively, but knowing UE5 will run on it is a big +:)
The most recent version of UE is not compatible with DAZ, because of volume loss with most animations.
The last compatible version was the unofficial "UE-Modified-ue5-early-access" (currently a dead link) from ca. a year ago, which has DQ skinning support.
When you say "UE is not compatible with DAZ" are you referring specifically to DQ skinning support? The bridge has been working nicely for me in 5.0.1 and I have been able to retarget my characters without issue. JCMs are working as well.
Can you show a screenshot of a daz character sitting with bent legs or crossed arms please?
Crossed arms: https://streamable.com/jmg7ob
Legs bending: https://streamable.com/k1aofk
Legs are trickier to get right than arms. A basic sitting in a chair pose is easy. Sitting on the ground or criss-cross can be annoying. But you can selectively enable/disable JCMs to get a better result, and tweak the pelvis/thigh bend angles as well. It's by no means a perfect result but it's suitable for my purposes as I don't intend to do much with animations wherein the character is sitting on the ground with the legs at high bending angles.
Maybe finally someone will have mercy on us and update the latest UE5 version to a DQ skinning one like it has been done with "UE-Modified-ue5-early-access", which I still use. You could even choose the skinning method for every material.
That would certainly be a nice addition. In my opinion, not having DQ skinning support is not a dealbreaker for using Daz characters in Unreal. We still have JCMs, so at least some deformation weirdness can be avoided. And the fact that you can easily tweak keyframe animation curves all from within Unreal is great and something I use all the time when retargeting.
Thanks for the link.
I guess, it will take a while until somebody make a video demonstrating Daz 3D assets with UE5 features
like Nanite and Lumen Global Illumination.
Nanite will work with any static mesh, it's just an option that you enable. So if you bring over any static mesh using the bridge, you can enable Nanite. Works best with very high-poly meshes.
Lumen works great as well, and can similarly be enabled with any environment you bring over from Daz.
Enabling plugin 'DazToUnreal' (referenced via Daz2Unreal5.uproject)
ERROR: Expecting to find a type to be declared in a module rules named 'DazToUnrealRuntime' in UE5Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. This type must derive from the 'ModuleRules' type defined by Unreal Build Tool.