Hazchem suit seen in Liquid Lab product

Hello! As it already happened many times before, I fell in love with an outfit I didn't knew I needed... But this time I don't know where I can find it!
The outfit is the HazChem/lab suit seen in the Liquid Lab product:
It looks both simple and extremely realistic. Does anyone knows where it comes from?
Thanks Oceliane :) That outfit was actually made just for the promos of Liquid Lab, but I will try to make it available to you soon :)
If it becomes commercially available, having that glass mask able to enclose the entire face would be very desirable.
Very cool - I'll see what I can do :)
Those are excellent news! The outfit seen in the Liquid Lab set looks very good, but it's true that depending of the kind of hazard, it may sometimes be necessary to have full protection...