Save Me! - Character Saves

If I knew how to make something like this I totally would.  But I think it would be amazing to have a product that takes the hassle out of saving characters you create.  It's something I think possibly could be streamlined into a program or some sort of script where it gives the option to save your character and all the morphs and add-ons and turns it into a regular character...or at least saved as one.  I know I have saved several characters myself but it can be hassle to remember where to go, what to save it as, where it winds up, how to find it,  so on and so catch my drift.  Maybe there is something available, I just haven't seen anything, but I think even the name on this thread would be great for it lol.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,907

    What do you mean by saving a character?

  • I save pre-prepared characters with hair & clothing and an [in]appropriate pose as a 'Scene Subset' which can be dropped into a scene from the library.




  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited March 2022

    And you will know exactly where they are saved to if you save from within the Content Library pane.

    Post edited by jestmart on
  • That's what I'm saying, I also have saved characters as a scene subset etc.  But having a app or script to flow through that process would be super helpful.  Especially for new people who are not accustomed to saving a character they worked hard on, it's not the easiest process.  To be honest DAZ is suppose to be just super user-friendly and especially for new people, having to search around to figure out how to do certain things really shouldn't be as time consuming as it is.  

    For example:  Mary Sue just spent the last few hours changing morphs, tweaking and re-difining how her character looks.  She definitely wants to keep this character because she is reusing it in a storyline she came up with.  Mary is pretty new to DAZ but understand the basics as far as her characters go.  But she has no idea how to save this character to where she will be able to use it again. 

    Some of these steps may seem easy or knowledgeable to some people, but think about how long you have been doing this.  Also think about the first time you saved a character easy was it for you to figure out where to go and what to do to save it?  That's all I'm saying, where you able to figure that out yourself or did you have to look up how to do it?

    It's just a recommendation for something that I think would be beneficial for people, especially newer DAZ users.  

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,907

    Well, I would expect someone who didn't know what was what to save a Scene anyway - but I can't see how anything could be simpler than checking items in the Scene Subset dialogue

  • I had to laugh. Saying DS 

    Suppose to be just super user-friendly and especially for new people

    I wish!

    My biggest grumble since I started with DS0.7.something is the lack of up-to-date documentation explaining how to use ALL the features to their best. When DS was in the Beta phase in 2005 I could live with it, but it's a disappointment to be in a fairly similar position 17 years on and DS release at 4.20.



  • rosselianirosseliani Posts: 379

    Powerful apps aren't always user friendly, juse becaus they offer lots of features. Nobody became an astrophysician just gazing at stars. That's why we have schools, universities, and general education.

    My first steps in Daz Studio were not easy. Thanks to the forums and Richards smiley I learned a lot though the years and I'm still learning a lot.

     It seems you're able to create a character from a base figure, apply morphs, pose your character, wear your character with clothes and hair.

    You still learned a lot! 

    As Richard said, save you work as a Scene Subset, give your character a name, and you'll be sure to find it back as you created it.

    I imagine your wish is to save your character as an Actor and sell it... In this case you'll have to be aware that all the morphs and textures are your own stuff


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