I want to know how to move the coordinates of an object to the origin
Posts: 65
I want to know how to the position of an object to move to the origin.
When importing purchased objects in DAZ Studio, the coordinates may differ from the origin coordinates.
For a set with a large number of products, manually moving the coordinates of the imported products to the origin in DAZ Studio can be time consuming and labor intensive.
Is there a way to easily move the location of an object to the origin with the DAZ Studio feature?
Thank you.
Clicking on them and typing in 0 is labour intensive?
You can select multiple objects in the Scene tab, and then make sure they're all selected in the Parameters tab as well. The X, Y, and Z transforms will now have a () in front of the parameter name in the list with a number showing how many nodes are selected. The value of the parameter will show as <?> if it's not the same for all of the nodes that are selected.
At this point, you can hold down ALT while clicking on the slider for a parameter and it will set that parameter to the default for each selection (usually 0).
- Greg
ETA: Depending on how the asset was created, if the default isn't the origin, then you'll have to type in "0" rather than ALT-clicking on the slider.
If it's several objects that you would like to move together, and have them maintain thier relationship to each other, you can make a Group from the Create > New Group menu. Make sure you check the Parent in Place box. Then you can move the group to wherever you want. Just type in 0 for each of the translation parameters for the group, although because of the way groups work that isn't always going to put things at the origin.
Thank you everyone.
I'm sorry.
My explanation was not good.
When I bought the prop, the object was placed far from the origin of Daz Studio.
Look at the figure.
The coordinates of the placed objects are all zero.
To move this object to the origin in Daz Studio, you need to move it manually or get the distance from the origin numerically and enter it.
With so many props I bought, it's a lot of work to manually move them all to the origin of Daz Studio.
Please let me know if there is an easy way to move to the origin of Daz Studio with the Daz function.
thank you.
Use the "Align" tool.
1 Create a primitive at world origin (Create > New Primitive > Plane. It is just used for ref position)
2. Window > Panes > Align (Show Align tool)
3 LMB select the Plane
4 CTRL+LMB select the objects you want to align to the plane.(world Origin)
5 In the Align tool change the option for the X,Y,Z to Align to "Origin"
6 Press "Apply" in Align tool
Thanks for this. It is very helpful. I fight with the Align tool each time I use it to try to align the bottoms of items to the top of another - such as items on a table. I've not used the Align to Origin feature before but I've have the need to align one item's location to another object's location even if its not at the world origin; the same steps apply.
I feel your pain, DAZ does not have a set pivot to centre of mesh function and it never ceases to annoy me.
I need to manually do it with the joint editor in tool settings with those twiddly red and green arrows or export and reimport the objects moved to the centre
neither is a joy
the biggest pain is knowing 10 years ago there was a free DAZ script that did this that they lost when the site was updated
and nobody has it or if they do it cannot be redistributed
There used to be at least one free script that would position the centre point relative to the bounding box in various ways, not sure if any are still avaialble (and working - one was by an author who liked a clever coding trick in DS1/2 which always crashed the conversion from .ds to .dsa in DS 3+).
A big, fat +1 on this. Trying to align those green/red pointers using the Joint Editor tool is a PITA. Some things that are clear causes of frustration are just allowed to fester by DAZ for years. How many years and complaints about the disappearing mouse cursor did it take before they fixed it?
There is a DAZ 3D sample script to move the center point of a node to the center of its bounding box: Node Origin Center.
I think the script in this thread will do what you are looking for.
If you first use the "Align" method of moving the object to plane(I posted earlier). You can then use the "mcjChangeOrientation" script, using its option "Set origin to marker 1"
1 create plane at orign
2 LMB select plane. Ctrl+LMB select object
3 use align tool to move object
4 with the selection still active, run mcj script and select "set origin to marker 1"
I agree. I generally just use a handy saved pose preset (that you've got saved in your 'my library' folder structure) from the daz 'my library' to zero things. You can ctrl click select multiple things and then double click your pose preset to do lots of things at once. You have to be careful that the scale of whatever your pose preset was for was 100%.
Thank you everyone.
I didn't know there was a way to use alignment.
It would also be nice to have a Daz script that moves the selected object to the origin.
I may be reckless, but I will try.
I had a play with scripting.
Have attached a script that will set object pivot to BB center and move objects to world origin.
Script attached.
setPivotBBcenter: will move pivot to object BB center. (currently only one selected object at a time)
Note: because of origin movement, translate values (in parameters tab) will not reflect actual world position. I could not find a way to reset those values.
Thank you for the scripts stem. They are very helpful. Is there a way to make a script like this work on a group filled with multiple objects? When I create a group of instances, the group is created near the object I made the instances from, but the bounding box for the group is huge and includes a pivot point at world center even though the objects aren't at the center.
I am not sure the correct way to deal with groups via scripts. I will have a look when I have time.
For now, you could deal with the issue yourself, by forcing the creation of a new group node bounded box.
If you go to "Scene View", open the group, select all the nodes in that group (just LMB select the object at the top of the list, then Shift+LMB the object at the bottom of the list). Once all selected in that group, create a new group (Top drop down menu "Create -> New Group"). That will create a new group with a new bounded box. With the new group node selected,you can then use the script "MoveToWcen" I posted above.(if you want the group at world center). Delete the old group node, as now not needed.
Thanks for the advice. I learned a way to shrink the bounding box using the joint editor, but I'll try your idea. It sounds like it will be faster.
Thank you for this post. I learned something new today because of you :)