Okay, this is admittedly random but... has anyone seen a garrote around here?
I'm working on a render featuring a very silent assassin who is- alas!- without her favourite choking weapon.
(This would be the 'wire between two handles' kind of garrote found in secret agent and mobster movies, not the weird chair-like torture device from the Inquisition)
The other site has an old garrote/wire set for V4/M4 which, if push came to shove (or would that be strangle?), I could probably be convinced to buy and fiddle with. But I'd rather not, of course.
Any ideas?
surprised no dforce garrotte yet TBH and nooses etc
Probably because ropes and things don't dforce well. I have used this product and the dforce chain product over at rendo from SWTrium quite a bit and the results are far from perfect
to the OP, try renderotica since that is the type of thing they would sell.
Surprisingly, Renderotica came up short, too. They do have those medieval torture chairs, but only one handheld version (and it's older and less advanced than the Renderosity version).
Upon reflection, the fact that chains and ropes and things are so complicated to make in the first place (at least in any form that's not completely static) is probably why you don't see even non-dforce products all that often. I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever need a rope-swinging heroine or lasso-tossing cowboy...
Yeah u might want to ask for this made over at one of the other sites that aren't affraid to take tha kiddie gloves off and make something like this for the new Gen models.