Looking for the outfit and hat in this picture

Anybody have any idea what outfit those 3 girls with the white dress and hats are?
Really keen on finding those dress and hat.
I don't know about the hat but the dresses are at least partly kitbashed from the outfits mentioned below the picture, and maybe some other dresses as well. If you look closely you can for instance spot the lace collars. Hope that helps!
Scroll down at the bottom of the page.
Daz 3D Items Used:
Hat is missing, but here are some other suggestions:
I see thanks.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I've already seen what the item was used but what confused me was the white dress in the picture is only knee length but the item mentioned below seems to be longer covering the whole knee.
There are a couple possibilities.
The dress may have a length morph, or the artist used an alpha mask to hide the bottom of the dress.
This outfit with white textures could also work https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-petite-style-dolly-dress-for-genesis-8-females
I see two different styles of dresses. The bottom hemline is straight for one dress, and the other two dresses have hemline folds. Also, the shoulder cuffs are different. But, the cuffs of the closest dress matches the Vintage Rose outfit. I don't see the dress with the hemline folds listed anywhere. I think he kitbashed the top and bottom for each dress, and hide the transition under the belt.