Use of QObject.deleteLater()
I've seen in some of the code samples where the method QObject.deleteLater() is sometimes used. For example,
I was looking at the sample "Save a Pose Preset", and at the bottom there's a line where an asset IO filter is deleted:
// Clean up; do not leak memory oAssetIOFilter.deleteLater();
I'm curious to know exactly how often should I use this method? And on what kind of objects? I used to think that
Javascript (and DAZ Script) would automatically clean up most kinds of objects once they were created, used and
went out of scope, but now I'm a little confused.
I have not found this documented anywhere. Here is the list of objects I have come across which the sample scripts call deleteLater() on.
I found that confusing myself. Is there a general rule when to explicitly delete objects?
Qt experts please correct if/when I get this wrong:
"deleteLater" is a separate and, perhaps, more important issue. Objects can be deleted, the destructor of the object informs the parent of the object that it is a dead parrot and the parent deletes the perch. Typically, however, objects can be in use, for example something else on the call stack might have a pointer to them. This might not be an issue in DAZ Studio scripting however it certainly is in C++ Qt programming. The Qt "deleteLater" concept basically pushes the delete up the C++ stack until it meets the event loop; by this time there should not be any outstanding C++ pointers. I imagine that DAZ Studio exposes "deleteLater" to avoid stuff in its own stack segfaulting as a result of a script delete but I don't know enough about DAZ Scripting to comment more on that.
I am told that it actually depends on ownership and since that is not documented it is best just to follow the samples.
That's the documentation for Qt5, which DAZ does not use; my understanding is that DAZ is based on Qt 4.8. This utexas web page is specifically about 4.8 and is probably somewhat more helpful than Qt documentation (Qt seems to be at least hiding the Qt4 documentation):
That page seems to answer the OP's question.
Official link to that document is
This was the intended link, sorry