Quest: Someone make a lifelike 80-90's style Skaterink!

Man I'll tell you I would do this myself and have tried a little myself. Even took a ton of differnt other assets to try and make one just for personal use. Still, i miss the real thing and have looked everywhere to see if anyone had made one. Usually if you type in "skate" in search field you get what you would expect. The normal skates or outfits, even a durby type i think there is one out there, but no skaterink/ rollar rink.
Growing up, in the 80's, was a real great time, the best ihmo!! And i miss the old skate rinks with all the differnt areas.
Like when you first walk into a rink, usually there is a paybooth and then walk into the main floor where there is a small area for video games, then the food area with a few tables, then a side area where you check out/rent skates. Then a long area beside the main rink, that has a few long benches where people rest or put skated on/off. Lockers run along that against the wall. A few openings allow the skaters to go on/off the main skate floor. In the front center of the floor is a DJ booth that sits up high and lights and a large mirror dance ball that spins in the center of the floor.
The bathrooms are differnt in most of the rinks i used to go to; as i would make this authentic as ppossible.
Two options would be having the bathrooms up near the food area; which makes since. But the other options would be having them in the area near the benches past the skate rental area.
Ive search for many idea but i would liek to see someone come up with something that look great and authentic!! Even the ceiling roof matters in teh realism!
I think it would be a great seller!
Let the challenge begin!!
That may be a very niche product with limited demand, but you might be able to kitbash, mix various products to get something close to what you are looking for.
Perhaps this bowling alley can get your front lobby and rental area, concession stand and lockers.
This for the arcades area
and the open roller rink could be a ballroom dance floor or hardwood gym.
LOL! Yeh those are the products i used to create my own actaully! I thought it might give those PA's out there some ideas and come out with one that everyone would like. I have over 20 years expereince with 3d and been with DAZ for about as much. i could do it myself but i mainly use zBrush for character creation but have never took on flat surfaces!! i have studied many products to get a better idea how to do it myself and i might take a crack at it, but would love some other artist to take that TIME out off my hands! lol.