Leyton Hair (Looking for Similar Products...)

Blando CalrissianBlando Calrissian Posts: 567
edited March 2022 in Product Suggestions

I picked up ApriYSH's Leyton Hair last year (during MM, if I recall correctly) and it's been great. Medium-length, side part, looks good in renders. But I've reached the point in my character creation process where I'm starting to realize that not everyone can have Leyton's hair, no matter how wonderful it may be. :-)  So the search begins!

I've done some scrolling of the store for ideas, but having purchases both good and "meh" hair in the past myself, I'm wondering if anyone has any good recommendations? 

Also, I don't want to sound too vague with that request! Some of the things I generally find in what I consider to be "good hair" include: how it looks when rendered; how much space it takes up memory-wise; and how adjustable it is (wind morphs, styling morphs, etc.).

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