Is there a way to search in product library for vender x?

Is there a way to search in product library for vender x?  for example I want to look to see if I have a particular RawArt product, but I think it got pulled so that product is no longer in the store.  It should still be in the product library if I got it, right?


  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    Yes it should be in your product library even if it was retired.  But you can not search the DAZ product library by vendor name. It certainly would be a useful function.

    Some of Rawart's products have the RAW tag in the product name so you can try a search with that or the name itself. 

  • jeffbdvsjeffbdvs Posts: 32

    "Lindsey" posted this:

    The Smart Content>Product tab can search for a vendor.  In the search box enter

    key::<vendor name> 

    Hopefully that helps a little bit...

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