Can someone please create a Standard Animation pack for Genesis 8/8.1 models Please

Hi. Hope everyone in the Daz Community is doing well including the Daz team.
So as I'm sure other designers are dealing with the same issues when attempting to rig Genesis 8 Daz characters via mixamo for animations. I have absolutely no issues for Genesis 2 models. However I've tried every possible configuration to rig Genesis 8/8.1 to no avail. I finally decided to check the Daz inventory for basic animations. I found a few animation packs that could be useful but no Basic Animation packs, and by basic I mean:
Running Animation- Variety of running, Jumping- Variety of Jumps, Walking, Sitting, standing, falling, talking (body and hand gestures) looking around etc. You get the gist.
Example of animation pack ideas:
Fighting Action pack or Action pack That includes basic animations like running and jumping, shooting, punching, kicking, blocking.
Or just create a super bundle animation pack for Genesis 8! Whoever accomplishes this will make so much money! I'll write you a check right now! LOL
I will pay whatever the price is within reason of course. Please
Moved to Product Suggestions as it is not a Daz Studio topic.