TexAnim 2022 0414 - Animate texture maps and .VDB Volumetrics

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
edited May 2022 in Freebies

Ze Link : https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts/texanimfords3

texanim exists since ... a long time ago and the last update apparently was in may 2012, ah the springtime, bring it on

What's New in TexAnim 2022

 texAnim 2022 retains all of texanim 3.02,'s functionnality

texAnim  2022  includes a timer that inserts a delay between changing textures and rendering the scene, 

this is needed mostly for OpenGL and Filament renderers which need time to display scene changes in the 3D Viewport

texanim now works for old shaders that have non-standard maps like the "Normal Map"  on the DSDefault shader

texanim 2022 Now displays your loaded "job file"


notice in the job shown in the image below that i left the "prefix" entry blank, not a blank space

i typed Prefix[Tab][Enter]

because my normal map images were named 0001.png 0002.png .... 0120.png

So for a good TexAnim Experience ( ha ) you have to type your job file without invisible blank space

so you type it like : Prefix[TAB]theprefixofmymapfiles[ENTER]

where theprefixofmymapfiles is the prefix of your map files

my 2010 video presenting texAnim in action, 2010 do we even remember 2010 


NEW ! Tutorial

Rendering Animated VDBs in Daz Studio





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  • atoxicatoxic Posts: 143

    thanks again

  • SWTriumSWTrium Posts: 23

    Thank you!

  • Many thanks.One question if I may! Is it possible to create a crowd scene for a background? Say a circus crowd with a slight animation maybe head and arm movement and put it on a billboard or a plane with a texture with an alpha channel and insert it in the background? Cheers

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited March 2022

    csteell_c2893e4ab6 said:

    Many thanks.One question if I may! Is it possible to create a crowd scene for a background? Say a circus crowd with a slight animation maybe head and arm movement and put it on a billboard or a plane with a texture with an alpha channel and insert it in the background? Cheers

    there's free and non-free low-poly little-people-with-background-stories floating on the net, and planes and animating a moving plane and ribbon with d-Force i guess or doing the banderolle animation in blender and importing it as a morphable animatable prop using https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts2/mcjobjstomorphingprop  . actually this cloth sim was imported from poser's clothsim

    into Daz and rendered there


    Post edited by mCasual on
  • With a few tweaks, this can be used to animate VDBs.

    I had to change 

    img = imgr.getImage(inPic );


    img = inPic;


           if( oProperty.className() == "DzImageProperty")


           if( oProperty.className() == "DzImageProperty" || oProperty.className() == "DzFileProperty")

  • RobotHeadArt said:

    With a few tweaks, this can be used to animate VDBs...

    Awesome - thanks!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,289

    thanks, will try when I have time


  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607

    i'll check this, the recent change to that section of the code was to accomodate the DSDefault normal map 

    now i see that there's also properties that are  DzFileProperty

    RobotHeadArt said:

    With a few tweaks, this can be used to animate VDBs.

    I had to change 

    img = imgr.getImage(inPic );


    img = inPic;


           if( oProperty.className() == "DzImageProperty")


           if( oProperty.className() == "DzImageProperty" || oProperty.className() == "DzFileProperty")

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited April 2022

    animated vdbs will be added today ( sorry 'bout the long wait )

    and the shoe-straps wont poke-in

    thanks go to RobotHeadArt 

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited April 2022

    the mod i made looks like this

    • if( oProperty.className() == "DzImageProperty" )
    • {
    • oProperty.setValue( img );
    • }
    • else if ( oProperty.className() == "DzFileProperty" )
    • {
    • oProperty.setValue( inPic );
    • }
    • else
    • {
    • oProperty.setMap( inPic );
    • }

    the handling of image properties was added in 2022 for  materials that have the Notmal Map property as a DzImageProperty

    in the case of Volume shaders the .vdb property is a DzFileProperty

    the other textured channels like DzColorProperty are handled by the second 'else'

    and here's the "job file" for my animation  test


    Object Sphere

    Surface Volume

    Property Volume File

    Path C:\Users\jacqu\Downloads\Fire_01

    Prefix embergen_fire_a_

    Padd 0

    Suffix vdb

    LoopStart 0

    LoopEnd 100

    First 0


    note: i renamed the primitive-sphere Default material to Volume as suggested by this video-tut

    the .vdbs were in C:\Users\jacqu\Downloads\Fire_01

    they were named embergen_fire_a_0.vdb, embergen_fire_a_1.vdb ... embergen_fire_a_100.vdb

    notice that the filenames dont use zero-padding, so the zero-padding is 0

    if the files were named like embergen_fire_a_000.jpg ... embergen_fire_a_100.jpg 

    then the zero-padding would be 3

    for an unknown reason, Daz Studio's Volumetric plugin protested about embergen_fire_a_0.jpg

    but frame 0 rendered ok i think

    when the new texanim version is online i'll post again here and show you the test animation on YouTube


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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited April 2022

    here's the demo


    i'll also add a WebHelp button that opens your browser in texanim 3.02/texanim2022's release page on my very safe google sites site


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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited April 2022

    TexAnim 2022 with Animated VDB support

    it is ready !!!!!



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  • FirePro9FirePro9 Posts: 456

    Here are some pretty cool free animated VDB files to play with:



  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607

     thanks that will give me the occasion to test if texanim and Daz Studio can play nice with those VDBs


    FirePro9 said:

    Here are some pretty cool free animated VDB files to play with:



  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited May 2022

    ( duplicate removed )

    but since we're here


    old smoke effects using my free mcjJet2 


    Post edited by mCasual on
  • I have downloaded the free VDB effects. Are there any instructions on how to use these in DAZ Studio? Are they used on a primitive and with Texture Animator 2022? Cheers

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607

     on the texanim release page and/or the demo video i put a link to the introductory video i watched before upgrading texanim

    the other documentation you get is on texanim's release page and this forum thread

    i'm about to test my only second vdb animation

    the video tutorials can be found by youtube-searching for [ vdb daz3d daz and volumetrics ]

    and there must be some threads about vdbs in the neighboring forums

    maybe i'll make a text+photos tutorial from my 2nd test



    csteell_c2893e4ab6 said:

    I have downloaded the free VDB effects. Are there any instructions on how to use these in DAZ Studio? Are they used on a primitive and with Texture Animator 2022? Cheers

  • Many thanks for your replies.Cheers

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited May 2022

    Tutorial Rendering Animated VDB Volumetrics in Daz Studio Using Texanim


    the result of the tutorial 2 tornados 128 frames


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  • Any way we can download this tutorial? Cheers

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607

    you click-right in your browser and save it as html, then it saves it as html including the images, and you can open that .html file while offline

    or you can install a pdf extension or "software printer" and print anything as a pdf


    csteell_c2893e4ab6 said:

    Any way we can download this tutorial? Cheers

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited May 2022


    you click-right in your browser and save it as html, then it saves it as html including the images, and you can open that .html file while offline

    or you can install a pdf extension or "software printer" and print it as a pdf

    the chrome browser can also save the page as 1 .mhtml file which incorporates the images

    here it should open in any browser https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yTjKCBRM3o8N3Sp3Z2LvYULaC1Ch_Y2y/view?usp=sharing




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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited May 2022

    A 250 Frames Volumetric Animation made with TexAnim2022's Help

    Video! Gabrielle's Hot Pink Morning Daz Volumanim

    here is the Job File ( paths on my PC but you get the idea )


    Object Sphere

    Surface Volume

    Property Volume File

    Path C:\Users\jacqu\Downloads\FirePlumeVDB\fire_plume\fire_plume_VDB

    Prefix firePlume_

    Padd 4

    Suffix vdb

    LoopStart 0

    LoopEnd 249

    First 0

    Post edited by mCasual on
  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 738

    Cool, lots of potential.

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607

    i still have to see how blander uses the "fire/temperature" data and adds the emissivity in the clouds, the "density"

    data in the vdb is all that i saw Daz Studio do so far, and they add luminous objects in the clouds to get the look 

    someone in a video said it's a matter of editing the volume shader in shader-mixer or shader builder

    that's a non-volumetric gif

    Tugpsx said:

    Cool, lots of potential.

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