
Does anyone know if this item works in DAZ 4.20 , or how to make it work?
I emailed the creator he says he has no experience with DAZ so is not sure if it will work, but has anyone tried it or any alternatives ??
Post edited by geordiesharp on
Please don't post links to pirate sites (or visit them!) - reported
Hey Michael ,
I was unaware it is a Pirate site, just saw the advert and linked it the item is available on TURBOSQUID .
I will remove the post apologize to admin, and repost if needed.
Removed the suggested pirate site link, sorry I had no idea it was a pirate sites.
Thanks, that place is notorious for stealing and sharing others work, not to mention the malware you might get for just visiting it.
The airwolf on turbosquid will import into Daz Studio if you get it in .OBJ format. Keep in mind that it will just be a model and not rigged, meaning nothing moves or opens and you will probably have to tweak the textures to work well in Iray
Thanks FSMCDESIGNS, Thats what I thought it would end up being a non functional item, I was hoping someone had an idea or two of how to make the doors etc work in daz.
Sorry about the original post, I legit had no idea it was a pirate site.
Thank you for removing and reposting to an authentic site.
your best bet if not wanting to rig it and weightmap it, is to chop it into parts in a modelling app and import it in bits with parts pivots aligned to 0,0,0.
Then use parenting to reassemble it for animation
Hi WendyLuvsCatz, That sound like a great idea, but the only other 3d modelling software I use is HEXAGON, and I have a lot of trouble understanding it, and other 3d modelling software confuse me :(
So i don't know if whatyou suggest can be done in HEXAGON, also my HEXAGON BRIDGE to DAZ has stopped working, and I can't fix it :(
well can sort of do it in DAZ studio too with the geometry editor deleting bits, lining bits up and exporting each obj to reimport
That's true , or just find an alternative helicopter that works in DAZ :)
There is this one. It's for poser and the opening items should work in DS, but it will require a different install path (best way is just create a new runtime folder and unzip to there and then point DS to the folder as poser content) and you will have to tweak textures to look good in iray. There is also a link at the bottom of the product page to a free airwolf texture
FSMCDesigns, Thanks for the suggestions but I have tried this one in DAZ, the doors and other openings just contort from the main body not open, so the main body just stretches, and I have tried every solution I can find on the web, but none work. But I will keep trying with it, because it does look great :)
The helicopter works in DAZStudio though you might have to retexture it to your liking
Thanks FirstBastion, I have that one, Its great looking, but the bodu is too different to be AIRWOLF
it must be welded, unfortunately DAZ studio does that with welded Poser models
WendyLuvsCatz , Any way around that ??
not without Poser or some other way to overwrite the obj after fixing in a modeler
(Bender might do it too if imported as parts or split into them, and exported the same)
I found this Googling
Hey WendyLuvsCatz, So I tried doing the steps shown in the link you gave me, but it didn't work :(
I was using POSER 12 free trial, and although the steps worked and no errors were shown by POSER, nothing changed in DAZ, doors still welded, so the body warps when opening the doors.
Any chance anyone has any other ideas , or any chance someone with more knowledge of POSER could fix this for me, and send me the files, I really want AIRWOLF :)