Eyelashes Oddity

I've been exporting figures out of Daz via FBX for some time now. Even the 8.1 figures with a bit of surfacing attention for the Tear pretty much behaves the same.

But the other day, I got digging into the Alaric figure https://www.daz3d.com/alaric-hd-for-genesis-8-male, that I've had for awhile, and came across an "issue" with the eye & the eyelashes, but only when I export.

The figure comes with two Actor presets, with and without hair.  If you select the No Hair version, it only loads in the G8M lashes, which I guess I used on other figures as I've never seen this before.

If you use the With Hair, it loads in the product lashes, brows & scruff beard, but not in the usual structure.

    A single item, two surfaces.
    Two items, different surfaces but parented to the same object.
Alaric Face Lashes

    Two items, different surfs, parented differently.  In Daz, they work fine. But when you export, expression morphs get transfered to base but NOT to the actual lashes.

Just reparenting doesn't do it, so I'm missing something.
It's not a big deal as at more than an arms length away, you really can't tell the difference, but for future reference it would be nice to know.

Parenting Structure.jpg
569 x 925 - 58K
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