I must be pretty slow, but...

I have no problems using the Daz to Unreal bridge to get a character over to UE. What I can't seem to figure out is how can I either 1) import a pose, or 2) pose the character myself in UE. I can 'pose' it in the Skeleton Editor the character but that pose does not get shown in the Viewport in UE. I assume it to be told to use a specific animation asset or pose asset. Can anyone point me to how to do this? I've youtubed and googled tons but they all talk about converting Daz character to UE Mannequin or doing animation, whereas I just want to be able to pose the character and place it posed in the viewport/level scene.
Thanks - Jeff
p.s. am I stupid for wanted to UE exclusively for its real-time rendering capability? I have no desire to make games or such... I've used Blender EEVEE and while its good, it's nowhere as good as UE rendering capabilities.
you must set on unreal side of the plugin to use the frame 0 as ref pose.
to do that with the plugin instaled open your unreal project then go for the "edit"---> project settings
in the left side where it's saying
all settings
scrol down until you see plugins
then click on daz to unreal settings
then if not marked, mark the option frame zero is reference pose.
now on daz pose your character in the way you want, then use the plugin, if everything goes well it will be exported on the pose you set.
Thank you, I will give that a try!
i really thing you need to look at some "basic unreal tutorials at youtube to help you, don't need to be "for game but can be some different unreal begining tutorials to show you some basic functions like lighting setting, material settings pos processing and those stuffs which would be good for render, look for some unreal engine rendering tutorials.
Control Rigs can be used to create poses inside Unreal itself. The Daz plugin does come with a basic Control Rig, which can be used as a starting point.
I still struggle with Control Rigs, the learning curve is steep.
In the past, if i needed a quick pose in the viewport.
1. Create a pose in the Skeleton Editor
2. Click "Create Asset" at the top of the window. Then Create Asset > Create Animation > Current Pose
This will create an animation asset that consists of just your pose.
3. Drag that newly created animation asset into your scene in the editor viewport.
I would create an animation asset rather than a pose asset, simply for quicker results.
But long term, learn how to use pose assets and you can build your own pose library in UE5.