Daz 2.20 Problem - Veronique / Ellie Hair / Ultrascenery

Daz 2.20 Problem - Gash in Veronique's head when she wears hair.

Ooh... I can't believe I made the mistake of adopting a new version of something so quickly! What a nube!

After two hours of trouble shooting I have nothing to show for it. The character Veronique can no longer wear Ellie Hair in the Ultrascenery scene I created. Even when I switched to another kind of hair the big black gash still appears on her head.

i want to go back to the last version of Daz but it seems it is not possible.

My many hacks include ...

- Deleting the hair then selecting it in the library and putting it on again.

- Deleting Veronique then via the libary I put her back in.

- I have uninstalled and reinstalled both Veronique and Ellie Hair. No good.

- I have created the scene from scratch. Didn't work.

However, when I just put Veronique in a blank scene and put the hair on her head it works. Wonderful! ha ha NOT.

This is a bit of a nightmare situation. I have already spent over a week rendering short clips in this scene so Veronique has to wear Ellie Hair in Ultrascenery.

Any ideas besides contacting support?=

When I render Veronique in the Ultrascenery scene with no hair the gash does not appear. HELP! 


365 x 547 - 157K


  • Is the figure away from the origin? If so try chnaging the Instancing Optimisation proeprty in Render Settings, then change it back to memory as you will need that for Ultra Scenery - this forces Iray to virtually recentre the models and should fix the "black gash" if it is, as is often the case, down to the limited precision available for the coordinates.

  • Richard, thanks for that Your solution worked. 

    gash gone.jpg
    445 x 632 - 214K
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