2 Person Assisted Carry for G2 F and G2M, or at least Genesis1

Can't find one anywhere, and it's difficult to find images online of it, either.
A two-person assisted carry-- well, it's one of the first hits in Google Image, but to describe it, two people sling one arm each over their shoulders and place their hands on the injured person's back. I need one of two shorter females assisting a taller, beefy (but not quite Gianni beefy) male, who is weakened thus somewhat doubled over as opposed to upright and limping from an injured ankle.
Though obviously, a full set involving a 1-person assisted carry with various characters (V6 1 person carry to M6, M6 1-person carry to V6, both sets either limping or doubled over, maybe a set where the injured person is clutching their chest or stomach-- then V6 & V6 2-person assisted carry of M6, M6 and M6 assisted carry of V6, V6 and M6 assisted carry of M6-- both limping and doubled-over versions)
And then maybe bonus versions including Gia and Gianni, + Gianni and V6 (the latter would probably have to be 2-person assist only)
Make the Gia and Gianni version a separate product if needed.
I mean, I'd try making the pose myself, but there just aren't very many pics on the net, and all the ones that are there involve 3 people of similar height, and usually the injured person has a bum leg instead of doubled over/weak.